Martina Fröschl (Austria)

Short Bio:
Editor-in-chief at CGmag. After studying at the Universities of Applied Sciences in St. Pölten and Hagenberg, Martina started working for the Industrial Motion Art visual effects and digital art studio in Linz and later Vienna. Currently, she is working on her doctoral thesis at the University of Applied Arts Vienna. Under Professor Alfred Vendl she is creating marine biology animations for the new collaboration with Victoria Vesna and the ArtSci team -- the Noise Aquarium.
Visiting us from Vienna, Austria, where she is a senior researcher and doctoral student at the Science Visualization Lab Angewandte at the Department of Digital Art at the University of Applied Arts Vienna. The depiction of realities and biological phenomena has continuously driven her creations. Martina will be talking with us about her collaboration/piece at SIGGRAPH, and the role that CGI and animation have played in creating very alive and immersive works about the environment.