Anna Nacher

Short Bio:
Anna Nacher, PhD, associate professor at the Jagiellonian University. Her research interests include digital culture, cultural theory, media art, sound studies and e-literature. She currently pursues a 3-year long research project on the aesthetics of post-digital imagery on a grant from Polish National Science Centre. The author of three books in Polish, the newest one published in 2016 focuses on the locative media imagery. A reworked version of one chapter has been published as "Internet of things and automation of imaging: beyond representationalism" in "communication+1", vol. 5 (2016). Other articles and chapters in edited volumes include: Techno-ecological media installations as the strategy of network, in: R. Smite, R. Smits eds. Virtualities and Realities. New Experiences, Art, and Ecologies in Immersive Environments, RIXC Center for New Media Culture, Riga 2019; In Praise of the (Post) Digital, Electronic Book Review, 5. Aug. 2018; Masaki Fujihata – On the Existence of Technical Objects, [w:] red. R. W. Kluszczyński, Augmenting the World. Masaki Fujihata and Hybrid Space-Time Art, Centrum Sztuki Współczesnej ŁAŹNIA, Gdańsk 2017; Mashup as paratextual practice: beyond digital objects (in the age of networked media), a chapter in N. Desrochers, D. Apollon (eds.), Examining Paratextual Theory and its Application in Digital Culture, Information Science Reference, IGI Global 2014. In 2018 a member of the jury for Electronic Literature Organization's N. Katherine Hayles Award for Criticism of Electronic Literature. She is also a part-time musician and sound artist focusing on field recordings.